How I Became a Morning Person

Adam Parker
2 min readNov 3, 2020

Being a morning person has been a fight. It doesn’t come easy for me. However, I love waking up in the morning in the quiet of the day, reading my Bible and spending time in prayer and having the time to get a jump on the day before anyone is awake.

I have struggled with being a morning person for a long time. Ever since I was 20 years old I would love being the night owl, pulling all-nighters and going on 3–4 hours of sleep. However, that can only go on for so long before you have to crash and catch up on sleep. It would affect my moods, it would affect my productivity at work and I’d get headaches and crash during the middle of the day.

I had to make a change. It first started with getting rid of my addiction to soda. I would drink 3–4 sodas a day. I’m not a coffee drinker, so I rationalized it as my daily intake of caffeine. However, when I got rid of soda and switched to carrying around water bottles all day, that really helped me not to stay up so late. I then began to go to bed earlier and I would wake up refreshed. Those headaches I used to get throughout the day started to disappear. I really started to enjoy life more.

This also led me to be more productive with my time and helped me to start accomplishing some of the goals I’ve had. Having good sleep habits helped me to think more clearly and I was able to problem solve at work…



Adam Parker

I'm Adam Parker. I am a Salesforce Technical Architect working at a major silicon valley company. I'm a dad to 8 awesome children and my wife is my best friend.